Long time student Alex Skypala, who uses Kickboxing and Muay Thai training, has recently hit a milestone. Alex now weighs a weight he hasn’t weighed since he was a teenager! While weight-loss is not an uncommon at Algeo MMA, Alex joins an elite club of members who has lost triple digit pounds. Below is a quick interview we did with Alex to discuss how he loss the 100+lbs:
Welcome Alex, how are you? Can you tell us a little about yourself?
“My name is Alex Skypala, im 29 years old with a degree in Engineering. Right now I am a Sales Engineer that sells giant machines that cut metal with lasers. Its kind of nerdy you could say but at least I don’t look nerdy anymore, and that’s whats important.”
Now how heavy were you at your heaviest?
“I was about 275lbs at my heaviest and now I just cracked under 175lbs. So yah I cracked triple digits.”

When did you start training?
“I started training in 2011 when I was going to college at Clemson University. I found a guy at a golds gym that trained MMA down the street. I’ve always wanted to try it, and he said it was cool to come try a class. I moved back home around 2012 and found Algeo MMA a few years later.”
I know you use Muay Thai training and Kickboxing, anything else?
“Yes I use Muay Thai training and Kickboxing about 3-4 times a week, most days doubling up on classes. I use to train Jiu Jitsu as well, but had to stop due to some nagging injuries”
Do you have any tips/pointers for anyone struggling to lose weight?
“I think first of all, you really gotta want to do it. Right, you have to commit. For a long time, I was just eating whatever I wanted and just maintaing my weight. That was nice, I could eat whatever and just maintain but I wasn’t losing any weight. So ya its mostly diet man as well as the will to change.
What kind of things did you change?
“Cutting out a lot of the drinking after college was huge and when I do drink I make better choices. As well as better choices for lunch/breakfast.”
How hard was it to change?
“It was hard at first, no doubt about it. I was inspired, so I wanted to see the difference not just maintain anymore.”
What kind of goals do you have now that you’ve reached your target weight?
“Well its just nice, looking/feeling good. I’d like to tone up a bit more but mostly just keep my progress. This is a lifestyle man so its important to keep that mindset now.”
To see the interview click here.